![]() If you want support us: Unified Theory of Everything explains how everything works from sub-particles to the universe. Revolution in science. ![]() Contact: +420-608170433 John Zacek Czech Republic john.z@1-energy.eu |
![]() ![]() Energy - most important substance in universe ![]() revolution in science The UToE defines the new Unified Model of particles and Unified Model of the Universe (and model of time-space - 99.99% of the universe and time-space structures - for interaction with reality). The new Unified Model unifies time-space (energy) and mass, as two forms of the same substance, fabric from two sub-particles electrinos, positrinos, and two forces, which create the complete Universe. Unified Model of Universes explains recyclation of energy and mass over nested structures of cyclic expanding universes. ![]() Introduction UToE: Name - Unified Theory of Everything The Unified Theory of Everything is not a final theory, but a theory describing everything, primarily time-space, that makes up 99.99..% of our universe (matter has only a minority representation). UToE defines a new Unified Model of fundamental particles and subparticles and forces that make up a functional model of an atom, a new model of time-space and time-space structures (photon and graviton and gravitational shock wave), and a new Unified Model of Universes that better represent reality. Unified is because it unifies matter and energy (E=mc²), because both matter and time-space (energy, or fields) are composed of the same subparticles - electrinos and positrinos (where the density of subparticles is on average the same). So the entire universe is made up of just two subparticles of electrinos and positrinos, and two forces of electromagnetic and gravitational. The subparticles through the free bond then form energons - bubbles of space-time foam and the tight bond of fundamental particles of matter - electrons, positrons and neutrinos. Energon - basic fragment of energy is the most important fundamental particle, because it defines the dimension of space and the speed of time, it transmits forces (fields) to greater than atomic distance, it forms space-time structures - photon and graviton and gravitational shock wave, and it represents all kinds of energy, and it mediates all our interactions with the matter and energy of the universes, it is the fundamental unit of everything that can be observed or measured. Without space-time, there can be no time, no space, no light, no field, and no matter (atom). Because matter is held together by the repulsive gravitational force of space-time (strong force). Gravity (attractive force) is the difference of repulsive gravitational forces acting on the nucleus of an atom (difference in density of space-time above and below), in the gravitational field of another mass. The weight is then defined by the size of the nucleus, which crosses multiple orbits of the field with different densities of space-time. It is the explanation of gravity and gravitational force at the particle level in the new model that is fundamental to understanding the mechanisms (physics) in the universe. It is important to realize that the world is much more relative, but to us it appears the same due to the dilation of time and space, so to measure anything accurately there must be a meter and a clock inside the frame (the frame can be the size of an electron). Benefits of UToE In the new Unified Model, Theory of Relativity also works at the particle level (Albert Einstein's dream becomes reality after 100 years), and everything can be calculated by dilating time and space. Thus, UToE replaces the non-functional standard model and all quantum theories (including the uncertainty principle and Quantum mechanics ). The ToE thus confirms the Theory of Relativity as the only correct one. UToE corrects some terms like the curvature of space-time to the density of space-time and also the main postulate. But above all, it explains why and how it works at the level of particles and subparticles. It explains what gravity is, what gravitational force is, and what photons and gravitons are. It explains how to transform matter into space-time (energy) by annihilation, and back from space-time to make matter, where matter is created in universes, and how matter and energy recycles through the fabric of our nested universes. It describes not only the particles and subparticles of space-time (fields), which then define time and space, but also explains its functionality and our interactions with matter and energy. It explains what CMB is and fictional dark matter and dark energy, as a function of space-time. It explains the fundamental functions of black holes in the formation of another new universe in the fabric of nested universes, and the recycling of matter and energy in that fabric. Knowledge of new cosmology makes it possible to accurately measure distances in space using the light echo of supernovas. UToE explains all the mysteries of physics that humanity has been exploring for thousands of years. UToE explains the mysteries of physics, such as Wave–particle duality of rays and particles (Double-slit experiment, Casimir effect, Michelson–Morley experiment, etc.), quantum tunneling, and a variety of quantum phenomena, explaining why we measure the constant speed of light within when, due to gravity, photons have different velocities. Based on the structure of the photon, it explains the formation of waves at the touch of photons, and the formation of diffraction patterns. UToE also refutes many physical mistakes, for example, light is not Electromagnetic radiation, light has a gravitational nature (a photon is part of a graviton), so energy radiation is a better name. Impact of UToE UToE is much more revolutionary than Theory of Relativity, so it will be much more difficult for scientists to understand it and thus completely change their own understanding of the world. Because UToE is hundreds to thousands of years ahead of the present, it is primarily aimed at the young with an open mind. The current model is particles in empty space (vacuum), but in the new model time-space foam is what we interact with and matter = singularity is just an occasional anomaly that alters time-space. The important thing is that in the new model, Theory of Relativity works at any level, even at the particle and sub-particle level, no need to use crazy quantum mechanics in the micro world and dark matter and dark energy fictional objects in the macro world. So in the new unified model, everything can be accurately computed, with only time and space dilation. So the uncertainty principle and all quantum theories were just misunderstandings of physics. More than 100 years ago, the Theory of Relativity was explained (by Albert Einstein) on a logical level, and therefore not fully understood. In UToE, Theory of Relativity is explained at the physical level - at the particle level, in a new Unified Model of particles. First of all, it is necessary to understand how the speed of light is. The basic postulate is "The speed of light is a constant in the frame", but this is not a mathematical constant, in the region where matter is present the frame has the size of an electron. It is important to remember that the relative speed of different photons is different, a single photon can move at different speeds depending on density of local time-space it is traveling through. Since an electron sized frame is an order of magnitude smaller than a photon, part of the photon may also move at a different speed, thus bending the light depending on the size of the photon (wavelength of light) and thus creating a spectral decomposition of light (rainbow) on the prism. Thus the speed of light is constant due to the dilation of time and space within the frame, but to an outside observer, the speed of light is relative. Therefore, we measure a lower speed of light in water (refractive index) because our meter and clock are not inside the frame, but we are an outside observer with the wrong meter and the wrong clock. These bad measurements at the center or at the edges of the galaxy (caused by different time-space densities) then lead to bad conjectures of the existence of Dark Matter. What is now referred to as Dark Matter is in reality the density of time-space, a characteristic of time-space (aether) that corrects for the speed of time and corrects for dimensions, and was only created by a misunderstanding of Theory of Relativity. The gravitational lensing of so-called dark matter (different spacetime densities caused by the presence of mass objects) is exactly the same as the lensing of an optical lens, where the presence of matter atoms reduces the time-space density. Dilatation of time and space can be in multiple times (near a Black hole or the nucleus of atom 100 times). Understanding the context of UToE It is important to understand that the world is much more relative, the dilation of time and space has to be accounted for whenever matter or motion is present (often the dilation is already accounted for automatically, which is why we see the same world everywhere). For motion, radical dilation occurs only at speeds near the speed of light (turning a meter only changes its length a little). But the presence of matter changes the dilation radically; by approaching the nucleus of an atom, time and space are stretched about 100 times. This effect has until now been explained in the microworld as the uncertainty principle and in the macroworld as dark matter, yet this is just a misunderstanding of Relativity Theory. Physics is an exact science and is based on precise measurement, but it must be understood that observation and reality are two different things. It must be understood that the meter is completely relative and it's length varies according to the density of the space-time we are flying through, the density of the matter it is made of and the density of the matter around it. And the speed of the passage of time is equally relative. For example, the dilation between vacuum and water is 1.33 which is the refractive index of light in the old model. But the vacuum is not the same everywhere, outside the galactic disk time-space can be twice as dense (near an atomic nucleus or black hole time-space can be several orders of magnitude less dense). So to define something in a vacuum is a misunderstanding of physics. The density of time-space therefore has a fatal effect on the dimensions and speed of the passage of time and therefore on our measuring instruments, so we must always take this into account if we want to measure accurately. UToE defines time-space and time-space particles In the previous non-functional model, time-space is just a mathematical construct, but physically just a vacuum. In reality, time-space (the aether) is all we have interaction with and matter (the nucleus of the atom) is what we call the singularity and what we have no interaction with. What we used to call mass is the time-space structure graviton that is displaced by the nucleus of the atom in time-space and what represents mass and gravitational field and kinetic energy. For us, time-space is what we have interactions with, what we measure, what represents fields - gravitational and electromagnetic and energy - the photon and graviton, and what defines the dimensions and also the speed of the passage of time. Time-space is highly elastic and is in the form of a foam, where each bubble = energon defines the density and therefore the speed of time and dimension. So the fourth dimension is not absolutely relative time, but the speed of the passage of time, or the space dilation index, or the density of time-space (analogous to the refractive index of light). Time-space is the most important part of the universe, and it makes up 99.99.....% of the universe. Some attributes of time-space are already known, for example, the density of time-space was previously referred to as the refractive index of light and also as dark matter manifested by gravitational lensing. Another attribute is the expansion of flexible time-space which was previously referred to as dark energy. The expansion of time-space is due to the repulsive gravitational force of the sub-particles - electrinos and positrinos in the energon and balances the gravitational pressure throughout the universe so that it is equal on average. UToE explains gravity and repulsive gravitational force For the first time in human history, UToE explains how gravity works (and how gravity or antigravity can be generated artificially) and replace General Relativity (Einstein's theory of gravity). This knowledge makes it possible to rearrange atoms - to create different elements and generate unlimited quantities of clean cheap energy. It is by releasing the gravitational force (referred to as the strong force in the old model) holding the atomic nucleus that allows easy manipulation. It is important to note that gravity is the difference in gravitational repulsive forces of time-space acting above and below the nucleus. Thus gravity and the gravitational force are opposite in direction and many orders of magnitude different. The difference in gravitational pressure is due to the difference in time-space density (formerly known as time-space curvature) in the gravitational field. By marking the energons with the same density of time-space we can see the curvature of time-space, around the atomic nucleus (or planet) these layers form orbitals. It is the density of time-space, as the fourth dimension, that is the most important parameter (formerly referred to as dark matter) because it defines the speed of time and dimension. It is the density of time-space that controls the creation of the next universe, the conversion of matter into energy - nuclear annihilation, and the creation of matter from time-space. The control of gravitational force is crucial for sub-atomic manipulation and the extraction of unlimited energy by fission, fusion or nuclear annihilation. UToE explains Wave-particle duality It must be understood that we have no direct interaction with matter (the nucleus of the atom), what we measure and call matter is Graviton - the space-time structure howled in space-time by the presence of the nucleus of the atom. The graviton and the photon are similar space-time structures and so have a similar wave character. The refractive pattern is created after some distance because it takes time to reorganize photons bent or slowed by the gravity of matter (gravitons) or other photons. Gravitons surrounding moving particles behave the same way.The Wave Effect occurs in light when photons are arranged into chains on a wavelength, such that it is gravitationally attracted but slowed down upon contact. UToE explains dark matter and dark energy The phenomena previously referred to as dark matter and dark energy are in reality properties of time-space. Dark matter corresponds to the density of time-space, and for a correct calculation, we must always account for the dilation of time and space as a function of density. So towards the centre of the galaxy time slows down and distances lengthen, while at the edges of the galaxy time runs much faster and objects and distances are smaller, and also the weight is higher (the errors in the calculations in the earlier models were due to not accounting for time dilation, space dilation and also weight dilation). Dark energy corresponds to the gravitational force of sub-particles (elecrinos and positrinos) of time-space. This repulsive gravitational force (referred to as the strong force in the old model) holds structures of matter such as the nuclei of atoms together. Time-space is highly elastic and fills the entire space of the universe due to this repulsive gravitational force. The empty space in our universe is only between the event horizon (below the first orbit) and the nucleus of an atom or black hole. Technologies based on knowledge of advanced physics - UToE This knowledge enabled the design of the first functional fusion reactor in 2008 and later a 5cm small Fission-fusion Gravi-nuclear nano-reactor (we decreased the size, and price from $30 billion to $30 for mass manufacturing), and in 2018 only a 20cm small Fission-annihilation reactor and anti-gravity nuclear propulsion. The efficiency of the fission-fusion reactor is 30-300 times higher, but the Fission-annihilation reactor is 30000 times higher (E=mc^2) than current fission reactors. This unlimited source of clean cheap energy will allow replacing all unsustainable fossil fuels, it can also replace expensive renewables, and it can also replace dangerous and obsolete nuclear power sources while reducing energy prices 10-1000 times and reducing CO2 emissions to zero. This knowledge and technology are already proven by the civilizations that founded the first civilizations on Earth (known from Sumer as the Anunnaki), enabling the construction of megalithic objects including pyramids (thanks to the anti-gravity transporter Winged Sun and thunderbolt blade Vajra). This Anti-gravity propulsion will allow us to travel at the speed of light into deep space and colonize the nearest habitable exo-planets (similar anti-gravity propulsion is used by UFOs, or Vimanas). This technology will advance our civilization to a Type II civilization (stellar civilization). Unified Model of Particles: "Universes are created from two sub-particles - electrinos and positrinos, and two forces - gravitational and electromagnetics." The Unified Model of particles is based on the unity of mass and energy (E=mc²), where only the bonding of subparticles changes by annihilation of mass. Sub-particles create - time-space particles (fields) and fundamental particles of mass. In a free bond they create time-space particles (gravitational forces compensate each other) and in a fixed bond they create mass particles (gravitational forces add up to create mass - weight). From sub-particles, thousands of unstable particles and structures can be created (particle ZOO), but only a few are stable (only three are stable in time-space and empty space - electrons, positrons, and neutrinos and therefore it is fundamental particles). Fundamental particles have the same size and number of sub-particles as time-space particle - Energon (bubble of time-space foam) and therefore can move at the speed of light. The Unified Particle Model is based on wave-particle duality, where each particle has two interfaces - an outer one bounded by the edge of spacetime, called the event horizon, and an inner one bounded by the particle's surface, called the singularity. For very massive particles and structures, a space-time structure of orbitals - the graviton (gravitational field - curvature) is formed above the event horizon. The graviton represents what we call mass (weight) and what we interact with and what we can measure. In reality, we have no direct interaction with matter, but only with time-space structures (graviton, photon, gravitational wave) and fields (electromagnetic field is the polarization of time-space). Reality is greatly distorted at the particle level, due to the repulsive gravitational force (formerly known as the strong force) and the dilation of time and space must always be accounted for (on the first orbit it is on the order of a hundred times). So, in the new model, the Theory of Relativity works at the particle level, and thanks to the dilation of time and space, everything can be accurately calculated. ![]() Flower of Life - at Temple of Osiris Abydos - construction of fundamental particles electron and positron after creation nuclear reaction (inside free space - between the horizon of event and nucleus - rings represent reversing of gravitational force). The complete universe is created by two sub-particles electrinos and positrinos. Sub-particles have two layers - a horizon of the event, which is the maximum distance for repulsive gravitational force, and singularity, which is force reversed. If sub-particles are free bonded on the layer - the horizon of the event, it is a particle of time-space Energon - a bubble of time-space, and gravitational force is compensated by each other. If sub-particles are fixed bonded on the layer - singularity (the center of each other is an inside bubble of another sub-particle), and the repulsive gravitational force of all sub-particles is summed (mass, weight) and it is a particle of mass (electron, positron, neutrino). Sub-particles in fixed bonding (mass) have a structure known as the Flower of Life. Unified Model:subparticles*electrino *positrino fundamental particles of mass *electron *positron *neutrino fundamental particle of energy (time-space) *energon structures of energy (time-space) *graviton *photon *gravitational wave structures of mass *neutron *proton *black hole forces *electromagnetic *gravitational Explaining Unified Model (in V2.0) Fundamental postulates: *Conservation of energy "The total energy of an isolated system remains constant." Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another. Mass is presented by Graviton, which is the time-space (energy) structure (E=mc^2). *Speed of light "The speed of light is a constant thanks dilatation of time and space." Because with changes in the density of time-space, changes speed of time and dimensions together, the result is constant. However, the mutual speed of photons can be very different because moving in a curved time-space, with different densities of time-space. *Density of subparticles (mass and timespace) "The density of mass and time-space is on average the same inside a single universe." The higher density of sub-particles inside the atom nucleus (protons, neutrons), is compensated by the lower density of time-space around (for to be on average the same). This effect generates Graviton. Explaining fundamental postulates (in V2.0) Construction of Unified Model (in V2.0) Explaining the binding of sub-particles and particles Construction of energon - how to create time and space Construction of time-space Construction of time-space structures - graviton, photon Construction of time-space structures - fields Construction of structures of structures - atom Explaining gravity, repulsive gravitational force, and weight Explaining how is kinetic and dynamic energy stored in graviton Explaining how graviton generates photon Explaining Theory of Relativity at the particle level Explaining mirroring of photon by electron Explaining relativity of the speed of light and the refraction of light Explanation of the wave character of light Explaining creating mass from timespace Explaining creating energy from mass (license) Explaining annihilation by gravitational collapse (license) Explaining generation of gravity and antigravity (license) How to ignite spontaneous decay in heavy elements (license) How to overcome Coulomb forces for an effective fusion reaction (license) How are constructed personal nuclear weapons of gods - Vajra thunderbolt blade, antigravity transporter Winged Sun, and Thor's hammer (license only) Explaining physical mysteries Hundreds of physical mysteries can be explained with knowledge of UToE.......e.g. Dark matter Dark matter is a fictional instance created by a misunderstanding of the Theory of Relativity. In reality, dark matter is the density of spacetime (in TR, they talk about the curvature of spacetime, which is a projection onto a 2D grid). The density of spacetime is known in contemporary physics as the refractive index of light, which is the relative ratio between the sparser spacetime in the presence of matter such as air, water, glass, and the density in the vacuum (near the Earth). Of course the density of vacuum spacetime is sparser near the center of the galaxy, near a megamassive black hole (which creates gravitational lensing), and denser outside the galaxy. Spacetime density controls the speed of time, size, the relative speed of light, and weight, so dilation must always be accounted for in calculations. Dark energy Dark energy is a fictional instance created by a misunderstanding of gravity and the gravitational force. In reality, dark energy is the repulsive gravitational force of spacetime particles acting against the repulsive (strong) force of matter, and the difference of these forces above and below the nucleus of an atom is the geavitation in curved (differently dense, corresponding to dark matter) spacetime caused by the presence of matter in the surroundings. Cosmic uniformity On a large scale, the universe is assumed to be both homogeneous (uniform, i.e. all large regions of the universe are approximately the same) and isotropic (they look similar in all directions). This is due to the fact that the cosmic web of galaxies is meshed from the edge of the universe (not from the center), as the universe expands it absorbs matter and megamassive black holes from the previous version of the universe, and gravity meshes clusters and galaxies from the edge of the universe, so the universe seems the same in all directions. Expansion of universe Our universe is expanding ever faster (diluting spacetime ever quicker, which makes a major component in the redshift) as the surface area of the edge of the universe (which is anasymmetric sphere bounded by the Big Bang shock wave generating the CMB) increases.The asymmetry is due to the fact that we don't observe the edge from the center, and the fact that every previous Big Bang has not exploded at the center (which is why the CMB produces a dipole and quadrupole and more). The edge of the universe is expanding at the speed of light of the previous universe, but the edge is in contact with a differently aged previous universe and therefore the speed in different parts is also different. Of course, everything is expanding - bubbles of time-space foam (Energons), include atoms. So, distances are relatively bigger and time goes relatively slower, but the relative distance for traveling is the same because the speed of light stays constant. Electromagnetic radiation Elecromagnetic radiation as a stream of photons has nothing to do with electromagnetism (therefore it does not interact with the electromagnetic field). In reality photons are detached parts of the Graviton and therefore have a gravitational character (e.g. gravitational lensing) and therefore have a gravitational interaction with matter, where in the gravitational field of matter a bending of light - diffraction occurs (which is what optics is based on). [The term Elecromagnetic radiation is one of the biggest mistakes of physics.] CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) CMB or relic radiation, is not the first light that could travel through the universe after the Big Bang, in reality it is an echo (secondary emission of photons, when the atoms of the previous universe are absorbed by the shock wave) from the expanding shock wave of denser space-time, from the Big Bang, forming the edge of our universe. The observed CMB thus arises roughly halfway through the time (at about 90% of our time) since the Big Bang (when the shock wave from the Big Bang site expands at the speed of light of the previous universe and forms the edge of our universe, here the photons emitted by the absorption of matter from the edge of our universe fly back to the point of observation). The CMB is therefore a scan of the absorbed matter of the previous universe, therefore it forms fluctuations that carry information about the mass of the atoms and therefore the elements of the absorbed matter and also the age of the edge of the universe. The largest fluctuations should then be produced by the absorbed megamassive black holes, as the most massive objects. Because we do not observe the universe from the center (the site of the Big Bang) we therefore see different ages of the edge of our universe, which creates a dipole in the CMB (red shift) and this coincides with the direction of motion of the observer from the center of our universe. Since the Big Bang did not explode at the center of the previous universe (and neither did the previous Big Bang) other dipoles are formed as quadrupoles, octopoles and further into the past cycles of nested universes. So the edge of the universe is not an exact sphere because the edge of our universe does not have the same age and therefore expands at different rates. So our universe was not created in the Big Bang explosion, but is still being created, by the absorption of matter by the expanding edge of our universe. Gravity and gravitational force Gravity and the gravitational force has been one of the greatest mysteries for thousands of years, and understanding it is key to understand advanced physics because the gravitational force is the fundamental force that makes up all matter and spacetime (energy) of all universes, meaning everything that exists. The gravitational force is not an attractive force and is not the smallest force, but in fact the gravitational force is a repulsive force and is the largest force in the universe (formerly known as the strong force or dark energy). The gravitational repulsive force is a property of sub-particles (electrinos and positrinos) and depending on the mode of gravitational coupling then forms fundamental particles - in loose coupling spacetime particles (energons) or in tight coupling matter particles (electrons, positrons, and neutrinos). In a loose coupling the repulsive gravitational forces compensate each other - they subtract and thanks to that spacetime has no mass, on the contrary in a tight coupling the repulsive gravitational forces add up and so they show weight and that is why we call these particles mass. Only the fundamental particles of matter can exist in empty space - these are electrons, positrons and neutrinos, all higher particles of matter can only exist in spacetime, which is holding them stable by gravitational forces. At the interface of spacetime and matter (what we call the event horizon), the repulsive force of spacetime acts against the repulsive force of matter. In order for the whole universe to be stable then the pull and pressure of gravitational forces should be on average in equilibrium, which means that if the matter has a higher density of subparticles, then this must be compensated by a lower density of subparticles in space-time in the immediate vicinity and so the space-time structure of graviton is formed around the matter. Graviton is therefore a gravitational field around matter, where the least dense spacetime is tightly around matter and with increasing distance the density normalizes (both in the microworld of particles, atoms, and in the macroworld of planets, suns). So the spacetime particles - energons are the largest and time runs slowest in them closest to matter (this caused a mistake in the past known as the uncertainty principle). The change in size also affects the mass and therefore the electrons in the first orbit are two orders of magnitude larger than in free space. An orbital has a thickness of one energon (the same as the size of an electron). Thus, the graviton is a space-time structure of orbitals (around a particle of matter, the nucleus of an atom, a planet, or the sun) where each higher orbital has a higher density, closer to the normal density common throughout the universe. By joining points of the same density (formerly known as the refractive index of light, or dark matter), we obtain a gravitational field lattice that indicates the curvature of spacetime (a term used by A. Einstein in his Theory of Relativity). And now we get to gravity, which is the difference of repulsive gravitational forces of space-time above and below the material particle (object), when from above pushes more dense space-time and from below less dense space-time and so therefore there is a (small difference) gravity that acts towards the object that created the gravitational field and so gravity looks like an attractive force. Gravity is also related to mass, where the difference in gravitational forces above and below the particle depends not only on the density gradient, but also on the size of the particle, with a larger atomic nucleus crossing more orbitals and thus being heavier. The Big Bang and the creation of the Universe Contemporary scientists consider all mass contained in the universe as the universe, but the mass in the Big Bang and in our universe does not come into existence at all, but only ceases to exist. The Big Bang occurred as the annihilation of the largest gigmassive black hole, and its matter transformed into the spacetime of our universe, which expands and absorbs the matter of the previous cycle of the universe (the edge of this shock wave of dense antigravity spacetime generates by absorption of matter - the CMB microwave background). This means that the Big Bang initiated the formation of only the spacetime of our universe, not the mass, we inherited that from the previous universe. So the CMB is created by the absorption of matter and so our universe is still being created and so considerations about the age of the universe are irrelevant. Moreover, time does not run linearly and is always slowing down and so any dimension of time is inaccurate by orders of magnitude. Therefore, to indicate the age of our universe is unserious. [it's one of the great mistakes of physics] Antimatter and annihilation Almost anything can be created artificially, but to be meaningful it must be stable and work for at least some time. Antimatter is more of a misguided idea than a reality, because true antiparticles are just electrons and positrons, and annihilation does occur with them because the attractive force of opposite charge is similar to the repulsive force of gravity (where an electron is made up of only electrinos and a positron is made up of only positrinos). Whereas the proton and antiproton are not true antiparticles to each other. A proton is a neutron after removing one electron and an antiproton is a neutron after adding one electron, that is, the charge does not correspond to the mass and so the repulsive gravitational force is an order of magnitude greater than the attractive force of the opposite charge and therefore annihilation cannot occur (just as annihilation cannot occur between a proton and an electron). [this is one of the great mistakes of physics] Time and space-time Time is absolutely relative, but it runs from cause to effect and in the near presence of matter it can run at different speeds in each bubble (energon) of space-time foam. Unit time can be defined as the transfer of energy from the front wall of the energon to the opposite wall, so it depends on the distance of the walls (which in turn defines the size of everything), and thus time and space are bound together in spacetime. The size of the graviton defines the size of electrons and orbitals and the size of atoms and therefore the size of whole objects. So if the gravitational force changes the size of the gravitons at the same time the local speed of time changes (thus the density of spacetime changes - the curvature of spacetime, currently referred to as dark matter, or relatively as the index of refraction of light). Spacetime thus has 4 dimensions X,Y,Z and the speed of time, as an index of correction of time and space (the index of dilation - similar to the index of refraction of light). Basically, the index of refraction of light can be used, where it is an average that already takes into account the distance of the atoms (where the index near the nucleus of an atom can be 100), compared to the vacuum near the Earth, where the index is 1 (near the sun it can be 2, near a black hole it can be 100, and in the intergalactic void it can be 0.3). These corrections - dilations will then completely replace the errors currently called Dark Matter. Unified Model of Universe (Unified Cosmology Model V1.1): The new universe is created by nuclear annihilation of matter (atomic nuclei -protons and neutrons, and black holes), when matter explodes into a highly dense time-space (aether) that expands inside the previous universe at the speed of light of the previous universe. The edge of the bubble of this expanding universe is bounded by a gravitational shock wave that generates secondary photon emissions - known as CMB = Cosmic Microwave Background (ORC = Odd radio circle) - as it absorbs the matter of the previous universe, and also imparts a pulse of momentum to the objects in the direction away from the centre of the explosion. This means that our main sequence universe was created inside the previous universe by the annihilation of the largest black hole - the Big Bang, at the moment when the time-space density of the expanding universe drops so much that it cannot support the cohesion of the expanding giga-massive black hole and it annihilates by gravitational collapse. Inside the main universe there are smaller minor universes created by supernova explosions, bounded by the ORC (Odd radio circle), where the density of time-space is higher and time runs faster. The moment when a new universe (Big Bang) major universe is formed in the main sequence is determined by the size of the largest black hole (which is mainly enlarged by the absorption of other black holes) and the time-space density of the previous universe, which keeps decreasing by expansion. The moment the gravitational pressure of time-space is less than the gravitational pressure of the black hole, it explodes and all matter is converted into a highly dense time-space that expands at the speed of light of the previous universe into the volume of the previous universe. This means that universes have a structure of nested spherical main and minor universes in main and minor sequences, where matter is pulled inwards by gravity and space-time expands outwards like a bubble. Thus, it is a ''Cyclic-Inflationary model of nested multiverses''. In addition to black hole annihilation and supernova core annihilation, there is a third way to create a new micro universe and that is by nuclear annihilation of the nuclei of atoms in our anti-gravity propulsion. The shockwave of the expanding universe by absorbing matter creates an anti-gravitational thrust (100 tons with acceleration to the speed of light) and at the same time a luminescence of matter around the drive (Foo Fighter, luminescence around the UFO drive) to scan deep space. By the fact that anyone can make an anti-gravity propulsion in their garage and create a small Big Bang, this theory is easily verifiable. [Antigravity propulsion generates a large number of new universes per second and often moves at the speed of light, and so the radio trail under specific conditions (narrow band and on approach) can resemble the condensation trail behind a jet aircraft, and so we can observe alien spacecraft in deep space. So, we can identify on which planets live an intelligent ET.] ![]() Structure and cycles of nested universes The matter absorbed by the expanding shock wave from the previous universe receives a pulse of momentum in the direction from the center of the Big Bang explosion, but the matter is braked by gravity towards the nearest matter (not the center). And this is how the cosmic web of galaxies formed around the absorbed mega-massive black holes from the previous universe is woven, and why our universe looks the same in all directions. After the annihilation of a giga massive black hole, a highly dense time-space is created, which expands by the repulsive gravitational force of electrons and positrons forming energons - time-space foam particles. In a denser universe, time runs much faster and the dimensions are smaller ( time and space dilation), so very old light from distant galaxies is spectrally shifted - redshifted. The older photon was generated in a denser time-space with smaller dimensions and faster time. So time-space expands away from the centre of the explosion of the gigmassive black hole - the Big Bang, and in turn matter is pulled by gravity through the network of galaxies gradually towards the centre, merging galaxies into the largest black hole, which when gravity is exceeded explodes as a new Big Bang, creating a new cycle of the nested universe in the main sequence. The largest black hole always explodes when gravitational coherence is exceeded, but it may not be at the center of the universe, so the structure of nested universes is not symmetrical. Recycling of matter and energy through the structure of the universes Matter and energy = time-space recycles through the structures of universes so that in our inner universe most of the matter ends up in black holes and eventually merging black holes in a gigantic black hole that explodes by nuclear annihilation after a gravitational collapse and transforms into a dense time-space that expands to form a new universe when the expanding edge (gravitational shock wave) absorbs matter from the previous universe. Matter is created at the outermost edge of one of the previous universes, where time-space is so sparse that time-space is already tearing apart. So, matter arises from a rift in time-space created by a gamma photon hitting it, where bubbles of time-space foam burst and collapse into neutrinos, and a gravitational shock wave from a previous Big Bang creates a contraction of the neutrino-filled cavity to form a neutron. The neutron is unstable, so it separates an electron and creates a hydrogen atom. So the law of conservation of mass and energy (Mass–energy equivalence) works. So matter originates at the outermost edge of the structure of our nested universes, gradually making its way through the cycles of the universes to the central part and gradually to the largest hole and after its explosion - the Big Bang and the nuclear annihilation of its mass into energy = time-space, it expands as time-space in cycles to the outermost edge where it turns back into matter. In our central universe, mostly matter is converted into energy, by nuclear annihilation of black holes and supernova nuclei into time-space, by fission and fusion reactions into photons. CMB (Cosmic microwave background) The CMB is created by the fact that after the big bang, the expanding space-time shock wave propagates into the previous version of the universe and absorbs its mass, where the absorption causes a contraction of mass, an initial pulse of momentum and a secondary emission of photons, which we can then detect as CMB radiation. The shock wave from the big bang essentially scans the matter of the previous universe in the form of a CMB, creating a clearly defined edge to our universe. So our universe is at least twice as old, because the big bang shock wave must have traveled at the speed of light of the previous universe to the edge of our universe, generated a photon there, and traveled back to us (but time is relative - it ran slower in the previous universe and faster in our early universe). The shockwave from the Big Bang has an energy determined by the difference in time-space density (the speed of the passage of time) between the old and new universe. The energy of the generated photon (CMB) depends on the energy of the shock wave and the mass of the absorbed element of matter. The density of time-space is determined by the size of the exploding gigamassive black hole at the Big Bang, and the density decreases as the bubble of the expanding universe increases. The CMB dipole is caused by the edge of the universe - the shock wave, expanding uniformly from the center of the explosion - the annihilation of the largest giga-massive black hole (the Big Bang), but we observe this from a position off-center and so we see a differently aged edge of the universe (with different energies of the shock wave, the older more distant one having more energy - hence shorter wavelength - warmer). Farther away from the center of the Big Bang explosion and thus closer to us is the older edge of the universe and thus colder. Energy is just a ratio of time-space density, and if time-space density goes down, the energy of the photon goes down. The giga-massive black hole that caused the Big Bang also did not explode in the middle of the previous universe, so the structure of nested universes is not symmetric (it can cause a quad dipole - quadrupole and an octal dipole - octopole). So, the edge of the universe is not a ball, because a new universe expanding into a non-symmetrical density of the older universe. Quadrupole and octopole verified the fact, that the global universe has the structure of nested universes. We assume that the previous universe has a very sparse spacetime and so the absorbed matter takes the form of scattered light elements like hydrogen and helium and others (creating thermal fluctuations in the CMB) plus black holes (we assume that the heavier particles fissioned in long time). ![]() ![]() At a better resolution, the absorption of these megamassive black holes should be seen to ripple the edge of the universe in the form of concentric circles (similar to the impact of a stone on the surface of water). These megamassive black holes are then the basis for the formation of galaxies in our universe and the cosmic webs of galaxies that are braided just behind the expanding shock wave and therefore make the entire universe look the same. ![]() Redshift The redshift that we measure on objects closer to the edge of the universe is caused not only by the movement of objects away from the center, but primarily by the difference in time-space density between past and present. Our younger universe was much smaller with a higher time-space density and faster over time, by the ratio of the increase in volume to the volume of the sphere of the universe (V = 4/3 π r³), the dilution of time-space slows down time and lengthens the meter, the expansion of the universe accelerates as the surface of the sphere gets larger (that's why the redshift at the edges of the universe is so large). The fact that the redshift is much larger at greater distances does not mean that the expansion of the universe is accelerating in terms of the speed of objects (on the contrary, the speed is slowing down because the speed of light in nested universes is slowed down by their expansion), but the effect of the larger redshift is due to the increase in the volume of the universe and thus the dilution of time-space and thus the increase in the distances of the atoms and thus the lengthening of our meter. Despite the fact that the expansion of the edge of the universe is slowing down, due to the dilution of the time-space of the previous universe we are nested in, and despite the fact that galaxies at the edge of the universe have less speed due to the smaller momentum pulse of the less energetic anti-gravitational shock wave, yet the volume of the sphere of the universe is accelerating and so the dilution of time-space is accelerating and so our meter, by which we measure the wave spectrum of light, is getting longer faster. So the redshift consists of two components, the Doppler effect caused by the speed of motion, where the acceleration by the anti-gravitational shock wave after the big bang, away from the center of the explosion of the largest giga-massive black hole (the Big Bang), and the cosmological redshift caused by the lengthening of our meter, by which we measure wavelength, due to the expansion of the universe and the dilution of time-space. Although the whole universe is expanding, it doesn't mean that all galaxies are moving away from us, but it depends on direction and position. The cosmological redshift does prevail, but the dilution of space not only lengthens distances, but also our meter, and at the same time decreases the speed of the passage of time, so that the speed of light is constant, and so if we were to fly somewhere at any time, we would get there in the same amount of time, which means that the expansion of the universe is essentially fictional. Of course, the edge of the universe gets bigger by absorbing matter from the previous universe, but getting to the edge of the universe would be hard. As for the actual speed of objects in the universe (Doppler effect), objects closer to the center of the universe got a greater momentum boost from the smaller and thus more energetic anti-gravity shock wave and so are moving faster away from the center of the explosion (Big Bang). Which means that galaxies towards the center of the universe (colder CMB dipole) in front of the center of the universe should have a larger blueshift than the blueshift of galaxies in the direction away from the center of the universe. Of course at small distances the gravitational pull of the galaxies should still be added. Galaxies in the direction of the explosion, but beyond the center of the universe should then have twice the redshift. But galaxies at large distances always have a combined redshift because even as we approach them, the cosmological redshift due to the elongation of our meter dominates here. It is these two mechanisms of initial momentum and gravity from the beginning of our universe that weaves the cosmic web of galaxies, which is knitted by the expanding anti-gravitational shock wave from the center and therefore looks the same in all parts of the universe. ORC (Odd radio circle) An ORC (like a CMB) is generated by the absorption of matter by an expanding gravitational shock wave of a new universe bubble, following a supernova explosion. A supernova explosion probably occurs when the sun produces enough iron in one layer to form a mirror. This then increases the concentration of gamma photons beyond the coherence limit of matter and annihilates the core. The energy of a supernova explosion is much smaller than the Big Bang and so the energy of the shock wave is smaller and so the photons emitted are in the radio band. ORC can be used for precise measurements in space and identifying the elements of matter because the gravitational shock wave lights up all dark objects, it acts as a kind of scanner (we use our antigravity propulsion as a scanner too). Black hole Black holes are the densest form of matter, like the neutron, and the structure of the subparticles is the same as the neutron. The graviton is also similar - the space-time structure around a black hole, with the event horizon being the edge of space-time and the orbitals above it. Below the event horizon, just as with the atom, is empty space where only fundamental particles - neutrinos, electrons and positrons - can exist, penetrating and integrating into the surface of the black hole at superluminal speeds. Black holes are formed by gravitational contraction of matter, probably by the merger of neutron stars and the explosion of a hypernova. Black holes grow by matter absorption and merger. Once matter is captured in an accretion disk, the matter is still accelerated by the black hole's gravity. At low orbits, the reduction in time-space density then results in spontaneous fission of heavy elements, along with a stunning dilation that stretches the matter towards the poles. If a large amount of matter is attracted, then the plasma collides from all directions at the poles during the fission reaction and at the speed of light, and a ejection occurs. The energy of the blast is then equivalent to the explosion of a nuclear bomb the size of a planet, which is why it is dangerous even over vast distances. Despite being dangerous, black holes play a vital role in the formation of the new universe in the main sequence. The merging of megamassive black holes at the centres of galaxies gives rise to a gigamassive black hole. The expansion of the bubble of the universe causes the density of time-space to decrease and the moment the gravitational pressure of time-space on the largest gigamassive black hole drops below the coherence limit, the nuclear annihilation of all black hole matter into a highly dense time-space that rapidly expands to form a new inner universe (Big Bang). Big Bang The Big Bang is an explosion - the nuclear annihilation of the largest giga-massive black hole after the coherence limit of matter held by the gravitational pressure of space-time is exceeded. However, gravitational pressure is continually decreasing by diluting the density of time-space by the expansion of the edge of the universe. The expanding edge of the cosmic bubble is characterized by a gravitational shock wave that, as it absorbs the matter of the previous universe, generates secondary photons known as CMB while imparting a pulse of momentum to the matter in the direction away from the center of the universe. The Big Bang thus creates is the time-space of the new universe, all matter is gradually absorbed from the previous universe. Therefore, the entire universe looks the same everywhere, because the cosmic web of galaxies (Galaxy filaments) is woven by the same mechanism just after the expanding gravitational shock wave after the absorption of matter, including the megamassive black holes as the basis of each new galaxy. The inflation (dilution of time-space) of the universe is accelerating as the surface of the bubble of the universe increases. The edge of the universe is expanding at the speed of light of the previous universe. Dark matter and dark energy Dark matter basically came about through a misunderstanding of the Theory of Relativity, a misunderstanding that time runs at different speeds in differently dense (curved spacetime) and likewise dimensions are different (and thus mass) and so always in the presence of mass or motion, time and space dilation must be accounted for. Thus dark matter is a characteristic of spacetime, namely the density (curvature) of spacetime, and is expressed relatively by the index of refraction of light, which is manifested by gravitational lensing. Dark energy is also a characteristic of spacetime and corresponds to the high flexibility and intrinsic repulsive gravitational force of the sub-particles of each bubble of spacetime foam. To understand gravity and the gravitational force, one needs to understand the Unified Model of Particles, which is part of the Unified Theory of Everything and in which the Theory of Relativity operates at the level of particles and sub-particles as well as at the level of galaxies and universes. The age of the universe. Many scientists are concerned with the age of the universe, however our inner universe was created in a stepwise fashion, from the center after the big bang the antigravity shock wave gradually expands into the previous version of the universe and the edge of the shock wave absorbs the matter of the previous universe and gives it momentum away from the center and as it is absorbed each atom generates a CMB photon. So if a photon from the CMB (edge of the universe) has been travelling towards us for 14 billion years (but we are not at the centre of the universe, the colder edge is further away), then we need to add the time it took for the shock wave to reach the edge of the universe from our position (the age of our part of the universe) or overall from the centre - the Big Bang. The shock wave is travelling at the speed of light of the previous universe, which is an estimated 10 times slower, and therefore the age of the universe could be an estimated 11 times older. However, in half the volume of the universe, time runs twice as fast and so we would have to multiply the actual age by this exponential function, where just after the big bang time ran many orders of magnitude faster and this figure would be of no use. Moreover, we are only estimating how fast the edge of the universe is propagating (antigravity shock wave), but that could be measured. If we did an accurate spectral analysis of the CMB, then we would know the number of elements of the previous universe and therefore the density of spacetime and therefore the speed of time passing. This information would be very useful to us, we would know at what spacetime density roughly the next big bang will occur. As the universe expands, spacetime will dilute and it will not hold the heavy elements, which will gradually spontaneously fission into lighter elements in the periodic table. Proposed experiment: The edge of our universe (which generates the CMB) expands at the speed of light of the previous universe, given by its spacetime density. The density guarantees the maximum number of elements, so we just need to do a spectral analysis of the CMB and from numbers of elements we can calculate the spacetime density and hence the speed of light in the previous universe, and hence roughly the time remaining until the new cycle of the universe ignites again. the document V1.0 - published - 09.09.2022 Copyright © mirrored to http://www.1-energy.eu/theory-of-everything.htm https://www.academia.edu/ https://www.researchgate.net/ https://en.wikipedia.org Complete "Unified Theory of Everything" including teaching and answers is part of the license on Gravi-Nuclear Reactor. ![]() for personal use only - single user license $99,- single users license - all future version $600,- for university is multiple users license $25,- x400 copies = $10000,- |
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